Wednesday, August 31, 2011

License Plate Day

As I walked to work this morning, I took an inventory of the out of state license plates of all the cars on Summit Avenue between E Howell Street and E Pine Street on Capitol Hill. Within these two blocks, I spied a bakers dozen out of state and out of the country license plates. The states and Providences that were represented on this street were California (two examples), Michigan, Florida, Nebraska, Minnesota, Oregon (two examples), Alaska, Nevada and Idaho. There were two Canadian plates; one British Columbian and one Manitoban. The two that I find rare in Seattle are the Nebraska and Manitoba plates. It's rare to find eastern US plates here. Tomorrow will be another day of searching for plates and rare vehicles.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Cute Little Italian Car

Today was Fiat 500 day. Within a couple of hours, I saw two brand-spanking-new 500s. The first one was parked under the Alaskan Way Viaduct and was silver. It looked to be the sport model, but not sure. It had the sport wheels, but they are option on all versions. The second Fiat was parallel parked on Seneca Street between 1ST and 2ND Avenues. This one was the charcoal gray with the same wheels. I'm guessing that most people will upgrade the wheels to these. I'd love one of these little cars. Not sure if it would make me look even more gay that I already do. At least my Mustang is my butch car.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Rare Plymouth

As I was wandering around downtown this afternoon, I spotted a very bright yellow Prowler turning left onto Fourth Avenue from Pike Street. The black top was up with the driver's head only visible inside. I haven't seen one of these cars in a very long time. And I think the last one I spied was purple. These are as rare as the "late model" T-birds.